Can You Successfully House-Train an Adult Rescue Greyhound, and If So, How?

March 31, 2024

Dog training is a vital aspect of integrating a new pet into the family, but when you’re dealing with an adult rescue greyhound, the task can feel daunting. While the greyhound breed, much-loved by the American Kennel Club (AKC), is known for its history in racing, these dogs are also well-regarded for their gentle and adaptable nature. Whether you’re looking to house-train your greyhound in terms of toilet behavior or crate training, or simply seeking to guide them towards good behavior in general, we’re here to help. Let’s shed some light on the process of house-training an adult rescue greyhound.

Understanding Your Greyhound’s Past

Before you start any kind of training, it’s important to understand the past of your furry friend. Most rescue greyhounds have a racing past which greatly influences their behavior and training needs. They have spent most of their time in crates, with limited exposure to common household sights, sounds, and experiences. This past can make them more susceptible to anxiety, fear, and confusion in a typical home environment.

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In training your greyhound, patience and understanding will be your greatest allies. Don’t rush the process. Time and consistency will help your greyhound adjust to their new home and learn the ways of house behavior.

Crate Training Your Greyhound

Crate training is a useful tool in house-training your greyhound. A crate can provide a secure, personal space for your greyhound, something that many dogs find comforting. Remember, your greyhound has spent a significant time in a crate-like environment, so this might feel familiar and safe to them.

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Before you start, ensure that the crate is spacious enough for your dog to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably. Place the crate in a quiet area of the house, but still within sight of family activities. A cozy blanket or a soft bed inside the crate can provide added comfort.

Introduce your greyhound to the crate gently. Initially, keep the crate door open and encourage your greyhound to enter with the help of treats or toys. Never force your dog into the crate as it can create fear and resistance. Over time, you can start closing the door for short periods, gradually increasing the duration.

Toilet Training Your Greyhound

Toilet training is another crucial part of house-training an adult rescue greyhound. Due to their racing background, they may not be used to going to the toilet outdoors. Establishing a regular routine can be very beneficial in this regard.

Take your greyhound out first thing in the morning, after meals, and last thing at night. Always take them to the same spot, as the scent will encourage them to go. Remember to reward them with treats or praise when they do their business in the right place.

If accidents happen – and they will, especially in the beginning – don’t punish your greyhound. Instead, clean the area thoroughly to remove any scent and continue with your routine. Consistency is key in toilet training.

Training for Good Behavior

Good behavior is more than just knowing where to go to the toilet or being comfortable in a crate. It encompasses everything from how your greyhound interacts with people and other dogs, to how they react to different situations.

Positive reinforcement is the most effective way to train for good behavior. Reward your greyhound for desired behavior with treats, toys, or praise. Ignoring or redirecting undesirable behavior can also be effective. Keep in mind that greyhounds are a sensitive breed, so harsh corrections or punishments aren’t recommended.

Adjusting to a New Home Environment

Finally, remember that your greyhound is adjusting to a completely new environment. It is essential to make them feel safe and comfortable in their new surroundings. Provide them with their own space, keep their environment calm and quiet, and introduce them to new sights, sounds, and experiences gradually.

Patience, love, and consistent training can help your rescue greyhound adjust to their new home and become a well-behaved member of your family. House-training an adult rescue greyhound is indeed possible, and with the right methods, it can be a rewarding experience for both you and your furry friend.

Engaging Your Greyhound in Dog Sports

Dog sports are a great way to keep your greyhound stimulated and help them adapt to their new life. Racing greyhounds are used to a schedule packed with physical activities and training sessions. Therefore, involving your greyhound in dog sports can make the transition smoother and more enjoyable for both of you.

Before introducing new activities, be sure to consult with your vet, as the dog’s physical condition needs to be considered. Once you get the go-ahead, you can try a range of sports from agility training to lure coursing, a sport that mimics the chase of a live game and is particularly enjoyed by sighthounds like greyhounds. Alternatively, you could opt for simpler activities like fetch or tug-of-war.

The key to success in these activities is positive reinforcement. Just as you would with crate or toilet training, reward your greyhound when they participate in the sport and follow instructions. Always pay attention to your dog’s comfort and enjoyment level. If they seem tired or uninterested, it’s time to take a break.

Socializing Your Greyhound

Socialization is another critical aspect of house training your greyhound. A well-socialized dog is happier, less anxious, and more adaptable to different situations. This is especially important for rescue dogs like greyhounds, who have had limited exposure to other dogs and people.

Begin by introducing your greyhound to new sights, sounds, and people in a controlled, calm manner. You can start within your home, bringing in friends or family members to meet your dog. Once your greyhound becomes comfortable with these encounters, you can gradually introduce them to other dogs and public spaces. Remember, each step should be slow and consistent with plenty of positive reinforcement for good behavior.


In conclusion, house-training an adult rescue greyhound is a rewarding journey that requires patience, consistency, and a deep understanding of the dog’s past. Greyhounds are a resilient and adaptable breed that can learn new habits and thrive in a home environment with the right training and support.

From crate training to toilet training, good behavior training to engaging in dog sports, each aspect plays a vital role in helping your greyhound adapt to their new surroundings. Using positive reinforcement and avoiding harsh punishments will help foster a strong bond between you and your greyhound.

Owning a greyhound is not just about housing and feeding them, but also about understanding their unique needs and providing them with a loving environment. Whether you’re a first-time dog owner or a seasoned vet, with the right approach and commitment, you can successfully house-train your rescue greyhound and help them become a cherished member of your family.